During the warm summer months, it’s especially important to stay
hydrated. Many factors impact how much water you need, including
your age, gender, activity level and overall health.
• If you lose more water than you take in, your body can become
dehydrated. Dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness or
digestion problems. Medical attention often is needed with
severe dehydration, since it can lead to more serious problems
such as confusion, kidney failure and heart problems.
• It also is possible to become overhydrated. Although this is
not as common, athletes and individuals with certain medical
conditions may be at higher risk for overhydration. Symptoms of
severe overhydration are often similar to dehydration and may
require medical attention.
• To maintain good health, it’s important to replace water loss in
your body. You can do this by enjoying a variety of beverages,
as well as eating foods that have a high water content, such as
fruits and vegetables.
To find more information about water needs see this link below: