It is never too early to practice mindful eating strategies. Gone are the days of eating until you can barely move from the table at Thanksgiving. Below are some more helpful tips to help you enjoy your holidays without packing on those unwanted extra pounds.
Tip #5: Eat until satisfied, not stuffed
Take time to truly enjoy your favorite holiday treats. Key is to remain relaxed while eating. Mindfully chew and savor the food on your plate. Sit down to eat and when you are initially finished wait at least 5 minutes before going back and serving seconds. That will be just enough time for your body to let you know whether or not you are still truly hungry and should get some more food.
Tip #6: Caution with beverages
Alcohol can reduce inhibitions, thus leading to overeating. Non-alcoholic beverages can be high in sugar and calories. It is good to split drinks up with glasses of water to keep control of your caloric intake.